Movement for Nonviolent Communication

why a movement for nonviolent communication?

Participants in our training courses often report that it is difficult to implement the knowledge gained from the training in everyday life. Many questions only arise through trial and error and the challenges of daily life.

For this reason, we would also like to offer a movement for people who not only want to learn non-violent communication, but also integrate it into their lives.

The nvc movement runs with the specific learning content in the same way as the other movements.

Agile Living Movement is one of the first group coaching & mentoring programmes in the world to be certified by the Scrum Alliance for their “Path to CSP” (2020) program.

Agile Living Movement is a lightweight framework that supports self-organised learning in community.

You can experience the programme completely alongside your job and live online.

All Movement programmes can be carried out both live and remotely.

In a remote setting, we offer many possibilities and examples of remote collaboration in teams. This supports with additional know-how for remote-first work.

contents of the nonviolent communication movement


The basics deal with conflict behaviour and the basic assumptions of Nonviolent Communication. We reflect on the topics of conflict and violence.

4 steps

The 4 steps section introduces the model of Nonviolent Communication and deals in detail with the first four key distinctions.


The positions of Nonviolent Communication are about self-clarification, empathy and self-expression.


In the area of self-care, we will use non-violent communication to reflect on and practise dealing with anger, beliefs, power and shadow work.

the journey with Nonviolent communication

On this journey, you will work on the learning objectives of the movement over 12 weeks (3 months) in a stable group of 4-8 travelling companions.

Bettina Ruggeri (trainer for non-violent communication) and another coach & trainer accompany you on this journey with live coaching sessions and 1:1 mentoring.

The strength of the program lies in collaborative learning over a longer period of time in a stable group. You and your peers learn with and from each other, which deepens and expands the content in the long term.

The transfer to everyday working life is reflected on together from the outset and is accompanied by mentoring throughout the programme, making the effectiveness in life and work visible right from the start.

In contrast to training and video courses, you can build relationships with your colleagues and coaches who can guide, support and encourage you during your time together.

The Nonviolent Communication Movement can begin if there are 4-8 participants who are willing to walk this path together.

You will work together and in a self-organised way on the learning objectives of the Movement on a weekly basis. Your results, experiences and experiments will be shared and reflected upon in the regular coaching sessions.

To consolidate your work, you will receive a student workbook in which you can document your learning journey and discuss it with your mentor.

do you want to be right or happy?

Do you want to be right or happy? Unfortunately, you can’t have both at the same time, says Marshal B. Rosenberg, the founder of non-violent communication.

And it often seems difficult to maintain an attitude that contributes to connection in conflicts. It takes time to integrate this “new” language and live it.

And that is why we offer supervision and coaching dojo in addition to the NVC content. With additional impulses from Clean Language and Coaching, you will receive tools and practices to sustainably develop your personal growth and that of your organisation.

We offer a total of 34 hours of live online sessions for the group and five 1:1 mentoring sessions for each participant. In addition, you will work together with your colleagues for at least 2 hours every week to discuss what you have learnt and share your experiences.

Your invested time amounts to at least 66 hours for joint learning, reflection and mentoring.


We speak German and English.
In mixed groups, we will speak English during the group coaching sessions.
In the 1:1 mentoring sessions, we will speak the language you feel comfortable with.


We work with Zoom, Miro and the Slack community of Agile Living Movement.


You can take part if a suitable group is found and you confirm your participation in writing. Your place is booked once you have paid the invoice.

Wen wir einladen möchten

The Nonviolent Communication Movement is aimed at people who…

  • want to integrate Nonviolent Communication into their life and work
  • enjoy learning in a community
    want to anchor the content sustainably
  • enjoy personal development
    want individual support
    want to benefit from the wealth of experience of their peers and coaches
  • want to develop their own non-violent language.

Participants from the same organisation have the additional advantage of working on common challenges and living the learning community in the company beyond the Excellence Journey.

do you want to be part of this?

the benefits

Learning from and with each other

In contrast to training and video courses, you can build relationships with your peers and coaches who will guide, support and encourage you for at least 20 weeks. We benefit from the expertise of all participants.


In addition to the coaching sessions with your learning group, you will receive 1:1 mentoring with one of the coaches throughout the entire learning journey. This involves reflection, support with the learning content and the challenges in your daily activities.


We offer Supervision and Coaching Dojo. With impulses from Nonviolent Communication and Clean Language, you will receive tools and practices to deepen your personal growth and sustainably develop that of your organisation.

Agile Living movement offers ...

Live-Online offers

We start with a joint kick-off.
There will be one coaching session and one 1:1 mentoring session per month.
You work with your peers for at least 2 hours a week.
We do supervision and coaching dojo.
We do a retrospective – for the best development of your learning journey.
In your final mentoring and coaching session, we reflect on your journey using your student workbook.

Nonviolent Communication

Together with your peers, you will work on the learning content of the movement. This involves theoretical background and practical activities.

Together with the trainers and coaches, you will reflect on the learning content and the challenges you experience in life and work.
Journaling with the student workbook deepens the learning and reflection of the journey.


In life and work, we are dependent on our fellow human beings. As social beings, we strive for connection and community.
Dealing with colleagues, teams and interaction therefore always play a major role.

With Nonviolent Communication and Clean Language, Supervision and Coaching Dojo, you will receive impulses to make your interactions lively, authentic and effective.
You can build bridges and promote cooperation within the company.