“If you want to stay the way you are, you have to keep changing.”
[Gunther Schmidt]
Transformation is the process of change from the current state (ACTUAL) to a desired target state in the near future. A transformation represents a fundamental and lasting change. (Wikipedia)
Due to the constant and ever faster change in the world, continuous transformation processes are required to balance the path to the desired goal and the external requirements. This affects strategy, culture, processes, tools and leadership.
Fundamental change is always an enormous feat of strength and requires employees as necessary and valuable co-creators.
The organisation needs resilient structures and processes and the ability to learn, adapt and continuously develop: testing, reflecting, understanding and improving.
With our many years of experience in supporting change processes, we provide you with flexible and customised support for your agile transformation. Our focus is on advising you on the transformation project and empowering your employees. Our strength lies in our pragmatic and strong focus on implementation and the creation of spaces in which employees can develop further.
Strategy ● Culture ● Processes
Successful companies need a balance between strategy, culture and the processes and behaviours that make the desired goal possible.
We support you in shaping your change and learning processes in companies and accompany your organisational and strategic development and value work.
Self-organisation needs leadership. We support managers in recognising and shaping the necessary framework conditions that enable employees to take responsibility and react flexibly to change. At the same time, as agile Coaches, we support teams in further developing their level of maturity and simultaneously realising their full potential.
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+49 179 5122527